Admittedly I've been taking my time getting back into the swing of things... like working a full week, cooking dinner again (no more holiday leftovers) and hearing Christmas music on wherever I go. Well, actually I'm kind of glad about the music thing - Christmas music is great, but how many different ways can Winter Wonderland really be arranged?
After the champagne was drank, the confetti cleared and I managed to walk most of the way home in my heels on the night of December 31, I asked myself: so what am I really setting out to accomplish this year? I'm not really one for making resolutions, mostly because I think people tend to be overly ambitious in declaring them, but not overly ambitious while trying to follow them. So this year I've chosen to set a few specific and achievable goals instead of one grand resolution. Here's what I've come up with:
- Run a half marathon (I'm already signed up - date is June 9th!)
- Travel to somewhere I've never been.
- Keep in touch better with friends, both far away and close by.
- Continue learning to cook new things.
So that's the long and short of it (for now) - how can one really plan for all the wonderful things a full year can bring in January. Good luck to all of you who made resolutions, big and small. I hope you achieve them -- even though I can't wait for the gym to be back to normal in about a month.