Hello there and thanks for checking out my blog, Aly Rose. My name is Dana and I'm a 20-something living in the land of unpredictable weather, suburban Chicago. Born and raised here, lived a short while in Sevilla, Spain and a University of Wisconsin -Go Badgers!- fan (my alma mater) through and through.
I'm searching for balance in an unbalanced world and that's mostly what this blog is about. Finding the best in health and wellness, looking your best through fashion and beauty and celebrating all that makes life good with those you care most about.
Always striving make myself and the world around me a little bit better, here are a few things I hope to accomplish in the upcoming year (2012):
- Stay better connected with friends who live farther away (& some who live closer)
- Get involved with an organization that helps people live healthier lives
- Cook more, eat out less
- Run my first half marathon (scheduled for June 9, 2012)
- Visit somewhere I've never been (Suggestions welcome...)